viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Freddie McKay - Picture On The Wall [1971]

Les traemos un album del "Mister Reggae", Freddie Mckay, buena musica con algunos temas de rocksteady, quizas fue poco conocido pero tuvo sus canciones que alcanzaron popularidad en Jamaica. 
Su primera grabacion fue producida por Prince Buster en 1967, pero su primer exito viene del mismo año con la cancion "Love Is a Treasure", grabado para el sello Duke Reid' Treasure Isle.
McKay fallece el 19 de noviembre de 1986 por un ataque al corazon.
We Bring you an album of "mr. Reggae" Freddie McKay, good music with some tunes in rocsteady, maybe it was someone little known but had his songs that became popular in Jamaica.
McKay firts recorder for producer Prince Buster in 1967, his firts hit coming the same year with "Love Is A Treasure", recorder for Duke Reid's Treasure Isle set-up.
McKay died in november 19 of 1986, from a heart attack.


01 - picture on the wall
02 - you are not the kind
03 - love is a treasure
04 - father will cut you off
05 - so long forever
06 - you will be sorry
07 - high school dance
08 - slip away
09 - old joe
10 - a little bit will do
11 - can't go on
12 - watch your step

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